EMC | People make the difference
Why coaching?
Every human being can grow. It is our strong believe that everyone should consider coaching regularly. Not as a luxury, but because you take your personal growth seriously.
In coaching we offer you a confidential setting with professional experienced coaches. Depending on your coaching questions we can establish who best fits your needs and personal profile to optimise the outcome.
Issues we often encounter:
We believe in the Self Determination Theory (Edward Deci & Richard Ryan) where people are enabled to make choices and manage their own life/job. We are passionate about helping you to create an environment of relatedness which is a strong motivational factor.
How do we proceed?
Every coachee and every situation is different. This is why we always invite you for an extensive face-to-face intake conversation in which we get to know each other and define the coachee’s requirements. We establish objectives, goals, roles and responsibilities and decide over the investment you are about to make.
Is coaching something for me?
Long time ago the famous Johan Cruyff said: “You have to play the ball in order to score”. Our short answer is “yes”, everyone is coachable provided you are willing to be honest to yourself. It does not matter whether you are independent entrepreneur, manager or co-worker. Everyone has challenges within personal growth.
Coaching is an investment in yourself. We experience that coaching not only has an effect on yourself but also impacts the direct environment you are dealing with.
Want to know more about coaching?
Please contact us via mail (press the ‘contact us’ to get to the contact form) or give us a call:
+31 (0)252 – 620210.